Your Don't Need To Go Through This Alone

I will walk beside you every step of your way




The need for connection, compassion, and understanding is greatest at times of stress and anxiety.

I hear you, I see you, and I believe you. You don’t have to face this alone.

I’m Lisa Happ, and I support women leaving toxic and/or abusive relationships. I have been where you are now. I’m here to help you move through this difficult phase of your life to become the confident, successful, fulfilled, happy and healed person you are meant - and deserve - to be.

Often when we’re unsure of the next right step, our thoughts spiral and we either freeze because we don’t want to do the wrong thing, or we take the wrong actions just to feel like we’re doing something. Either way, you end up feeling like you’ve been tossed into the deep end but can’t swim. Let’s work together to help you find clarity in your situation, peace with your decision-making, and strength to create a new life. We’ll take action - together.

Divorce Coaching: I am a Certified Divorce Coach, specializing in helping women end narcissistic and toxic relationships and rediscover who they are outside of the marriage. My unique style blends your needs and my training to provide a program tailored to meet you where you are. We’ll use modalities such as brainspotting, somatic healing, and toxic relationship recovery, while also working through the mechanics of divorce. Let’s work together to step back into your power, establish your boundaries, and envision your life beyond this moment.

Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationship Recovery: Narcissistic and/or toxic partners make us distrust our instincts and believe that we are unworthy of love and dignity. The idea of leaving is just as scary and confusing as the prospect of staying with them, but something clearly needs to change. I will help you understand the abuse cycle and how to break it, identify your relationship patterns and triggers, and confidently establish and maintain your boundaries so you can have a future filled with happy, healthy relationships with yourself and others.

Young Adult Life Coaching: Many teens and young adults are struggling to find their place in the world. They feel anxious and unsure of themselves, lack the motivation or confidence to take age-appropriate chances, and find it difficult to connect with others. I work one-on-one with clients, providing a coaching program tailored to them that includes movement and real world experiences to help them find their inner strength and self-confidence, allowing them to grow into the best version of themselves. For clients under the age of 18, I will do periodic check-ins with their parent(s)/guardian(s) if requested.

"Working with Lisa was the best investment I could have ever made in myself. She helped me rise. I was overwhelmed by how to begin the divorce process, how to feel, how to get through the emotions, the paperwork... and still go to work and be a great Dad to my children. Lisa helped me focus, find words for my emotions, and to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My children, my ex wife and myself all made it through the divorce. We are all happier, healthier and stronger than we ever were before. I give Lisa all the credit in the world for getting us there!"

- Aaron
"Lisa you walked beside me, you met me where I was at and then helped me dig myself out of the deep trenches of divorce. Your compassion, support and sense of humor got me through a very dark time in my life. I am forever grateful for you and all you have done for me."

- Michelle
"Lisa, thank you for walking through my divorce with me. Thank you for helping me get organized and prepared for attorney appointments, thank you for helping me build my team of professionals and thank you for saving me tons of money by being my thinking partner during the divorce process."

- Kendra
"I worked with Lisa for over a year. She helped me find clarity around the choice to divorce and through the divorce process. I was referred to Lisa by a friend who highly recommended her. Lisa changed my life, she saved lots of time, energy, heartache and money through my divorce process and beyond. Thank you, Lisa, for being by my side during this very difficult time in my life."

- James
"Thank you for understanding, being completely present, and accepting me for who I am and where I am in my life."

- J.B.
"Lisa, you saved my life, you helped me get through so many very dark days! I have made it through the past year because of you. I am a better Mom because of your love, support and kindness. Thank you, for helping me clear the fog in my head and breathe again!"

- Lisa
"Lisa you walked beside me, you met me where I was at and then helped me dig myself out of the deep trenches of divorce. Your compassion, support and sense of humor got me through a very dark time in my life. I am forever grateful for you and all you have done for me."

- Michelle
"Lisa, you saved my life, you helped me get through so many very dark days! I have made it through the past year because of you. I am a better Mom because of your love, support and kindness. Thank you, for helping me clear the fog in my head and breathe again!"

- Lisa
"Lisa, thank you for asking the right questions, being my beacon of hope I have never felt so seen and so heard."

- K.M.
"Lisa, thank you for helping me heal. After losing my daughter I did not know how to live again. Thank you for helping me find the way to my life again. I appreciate beyond words all you have done for me."

- S.B
"Lisa thank you for helping my Dad, thru his journey out of the cycles of substance abuse, my family and I are forever grateful, for you giving us our Dad back."

- Lance
"Lisa, thank you for walking through my divorce with me. Thank you for helping me get organized and prepared for attorney appointments, thank you for helping me build my team of professionals and thank you for saving me tons of money by being my thinking partner during the divorce process."

- Kendra

Are You Ready To Change Your Life?  You Don't Have To Do This Alone!

i am here to support you and walk beside you every step of your way!

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